Yuremane initially sprouted as a means of coping with the feeling of being a foreigner in a colonialist's world.
However, the roots of the brand are deeper set than that. In today’s world, it is easy to discredit the artisanal craft of day to day products due to over consumption and saturation. the start to finish conceptualization and process of any practical object, such as the casting of a spoon, to the upholstering of a couch, should be revered for the craftsmanship and thoughtfulness taken throughout each step; We value the same meticulousness with YUREMANE. Each step, each shot, each seam and stitch has a rhyme and a reason that keeps us standing tall; that is the beauty in art. YUREMANE is art.
And as our lives progress, and time begins to feel more like a social construct rather than a measurement, YUREMANE lives on. When i pass, and my leaves turn yellow, YUREMANE lives on.
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